Det vokser og gror i Europa, i form av flere besteforeldre for klima-initiativer. De ulike gruppene, fra ulike land, som Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Finland, Storbritannia, Tyskland, Sveits, Belgia og Nederland, møtes nå jevnlig på nettet for å diskutere et nærmere samarbeid og felles prosjekter. Nettverket har nettopp produsert sitt andre nyhetsbrev.
European Grandparents for Climate
Newsletter 16.01.2023
We owe all children a planet Earth as wonderful as the one we have enjoyed!
In a number of countries worldwide, senior citizens have created or joined organizations that act on climate change issues in order to try to influence local, regional and national policies. Here in Europe, the European Green Deal is the embodiment of these ambitions at the level of the European Union (EU). Therefore, several European Grandparents for the Climate organizations have decided to create a cooperative network focusing on the implementation of the Green Deal with the aim of exchanging information, knowledge and strategies while supporting actions across Europe. Self-organized and politically independent, we are connected to many pro-climate organizations in our home countries.