Ber Stortinget gripe inn

AUSTRALBUKTA: The Great Australian Bight i det sørlige Australia huser flere truede arter, blant dem den sørlige retthvalen og australsk sjøløve. Foto: Jaimen Hudson / Greenpeace

Statens manglende vilje til å bruke eiermakten sin og styre Statoil ble demonstrert under den langvarige striden om tjæresand i Canada, – og er igjen kommet i søkelyset i samband med Equinors utvinningsplaner i The Great Australian Bight. Nylig vedtok delstatsparlamentet i South Australia å sende brev til det norske Stortinget, med oppfordring om å stoppe de miljøfiendtlige planene.


  1. Acknowledges that the Norwegian government owns 67 per cent of the oil and gas exploration company Equinor;
  2. Further acknowledges that Equinor plans to drill in the pristine and environmentally sensitive waters of the Great Australian Bight despite overwhelming public opposition to the proposed drilling;
  3. Supports the Norwegian government’s decision in 2018 that its own sensitive Lofoten Islands be protected against oil and gas drilling;
  4. Recognises that our own Great Australian Bight should also be similarly protected;
  5. Further recognises that it is within the Norwegian government’s power, as majority shareholder, to stop Equinor’s plan to drill for oil and gas in the Great Australian Bight; and
  6. Requests the Norwegian parliament to take note of the wishes of the majority of South Australians and broader Australians by imploring the Norwegian government to have Equinor abandon its exploration plans to drill for oil and gas in the Great Australian Bight.

Se reportasje Dagbladet 20 august: – Trenger dere virkelig mer, Norge?

Se også Besteforeldreaksjonen, juni 2018: Grandparents Protest Equinor

I juni 2018 satte vi  inn en solidaritets- og protestannonse i to australske aviser.

I Stavanger 15. mai 2019, i samband med generalforsamlinga i Equinor, proteserte vi mot manglende miljø- og framtidsansvar.

Spre klimavett,
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